Going to sleep without a pillow for the seventy third night in a row.2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:20 No.24985 I'm becoming more schizophrenic each night. Should I stop? When the sharty died I started waking up in a panic. |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:11 No.25017 >>24985 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:14 No.25019 >>25017 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:24 No.25023 >>25019 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:25 No.25025 File: 1692753924245.gif (732 B, tiny chud.gif)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. ![]() >I don't talk to healthcare professionals |
Hey chuds, Angelino here.69 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
In one week, I will have to close down the wiki and this bunker due to fees and by the new admin (whose name I will withhold at their discretion). Due to the wiki not being profitable, the new admin will sell it, but he also said he will let me keep it up if I pay several fees for him. I am sorry but the cost is too great for me to pay, so I will be shutting the ‘ki and the ‘unker on August 28. Thank you all for the great memories and fun we had.
>> | Angelino ## AdminAnonymous 23/08/23(Wed)02:07 No.24712 Eggs in process of cracking itt |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)04:43 No.24805 >>24699 |
>> | PETRIXXX #0fcVdob75k 23/08/23(Wed)07:04 No.24904 File: 1692741898961.png (18660 B, IMG_3752.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. ![]() Have no fear, PETRIXXX IS HERE! |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)07:26 No.24924 false |
>> | ==test== 23/08/23(Wed)10:13 No.25018 i like fortnite |
tried to reveal Poopson but it didn't work well and i must follow the clues25 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)06:38 No.24889 >>24885 |
>> | Joel#I4xf/ZzRnE 23/08/23(Wed)06:39 No.24890 >>24889 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:42 No.25005 >>24678 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:53 No.25006 >>25005 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:09 No.25016 you will STOP trying to reveal poopson. the prophecy has declared he will not be revealed until 2024. IT MUST HAPPEN THAT WAY, for the revelation of POOPSON shives way to the final death of the sharty not long preceding the second coming of SOOT and his 1000 year kingdom on the sharty. YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE TO INTERFERE WITH THIS DIVINE PLAN. few 'teens have seen the farthest reaches of niggerhell that awaits those who wish to bend the timeline this way. |
Why doesn't the sharty just steal 4chans p auto deleter?
leebait cheese don turtelli missed threads archived cheese my little pony friendship is magic spongebob homer marge squidward speck eyelid pupils implying bronies mindset canada doom dogfucker autism tmacmtsmtiydmtsmtwbapiobyfyrtmsmssmsmsms tracer feet smell fagmark Justpassingthrough tk47 cc ausfreak british scum filthy franc vendettafag kys a live-action picture of a pinkie pie's baby alligator gummy sitting on a log taken from the my little pony friendship is magic episode pinkie pride a live-action picture of a red sock puppet with a sombrero and mustache named senor heuvos from my little pony friendship is magic episode make new friends but keep discord a picture of timothy packford jim miller katrina handley jayson thiessen and ishi rudell wearing horse masks taken from my little pony friendship is magic's 100th episode slice of life a life-action gif of cheese sandwich's rubber chicken boneless, dancing in front of a red curtain from the my little pony friendship is magic episode pinkie pride coffee bleed die moral high ground epic btfoing stabbed in the throat gr15 workaround art style transfer algorithms technically there's no pony in this image what do you think the fact that you fucking think you’re somehow justified enough in spamming your garbage the fact that you fucking think you’re somehow justified enough in spamming your garbage 08:00 am toopy & binoo 08:90 am barney 09:00 am my little pony friendship is magic 09:30 am franklin and friends barney barneyfags ontario january 8th 1995 whitecap grave mcmaster university goldsolg@mcmaster.ca special ed hamilton pink floyd splatoon immolation majesty and decay qa-friendly kiwifarms x86x2 the barney manifesto lee goldson proxy ban evade tuxler 3 day ban revved tvtropes cringe channel facebook deviantart heavy metal humanities and arts & science program bans folder film studies mass brony utopia speedrun you thought that forcing people to look at this would make them sympathize with your cause
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:58 No.25011 bumo cheese |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:01 No.25012 new pasta just dropped |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:04 No.25013 Add to the 'ki |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)10:04 No.25014 >>25012 |
Reminder for all autistic retards
You will never be normal. You have no social skills, you have no friends, you have no life. You are a retarded person twisted by lies and propaganda into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your retarded actions and your cringy attitudes behind closed doors.
Normal people in society are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed normal people to differentiate them and autistic "people" and bully them out of society with incredible efficiency. Even autistic people who “pass” are weird and unnatural to a normal person. Your behavior is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk normal guy or girl home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he discovers your cringy and bizarre conduct.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, that you mental illness is a "superpower", that you're only "special" and that people will respect you soon while believing those fake propaganda made up by lying "Autistic Rights" activist that claims that every scientist and celebrity is autistic, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your name and your mental illness and after that, they will dissociate you forever, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a retarded, mentally ill, autistic "person" is buried there. Everyone you know, including your "friend" and those who bullied you, will celebrate and rejoice at the fact you died, they will be making jokes about your death and how worthless you and your life is. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a bullied, antisocial, good-for-nothing retarded person that will never be remembered.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. This is what you become. There is no turning back.
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)08:32 No.24963 >words words words |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)08:38 No.24964 yeah but i know a lot about ISIS so it's all okay |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)08:38 No.24965 >>24963 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:25 No.24990 U2 |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:57 No.25010 I don't get validation though |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:54 No.25007 File: 1692752081706.jpg (46509 B, 1689154696128966.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. ![]() would have sex with |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:57 No.25009 File: 1692752258833.png (4369 B, soyjak pony.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. ![]() >>25003 |
Who else /calm/ in here
Fun fact: If you enter soot.top you get Soot's final message along with soot.soy. I find this interesting. Why would soot pay for this domain so it could redirect to his site? There wasn't any gain in doing so.
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)08:29 No.24962 I meant soyjak.top |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)08:54 No.24973 at least configure your shitty ip grabber so that it loads |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:26 No.24993 File: 1692750372214.png (3882 B, soot.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. ![]() >>24973 |
What happened to baritone?
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:12 No.24979 Is there an I HEART NAMEFAGS 'jak? If so pretend I attached one on my post |
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:15 No.24982 He died, sadly. I'm sorry. |
neverhood good?
45000 get soon!
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)09:04 No.24976 File: 1692749067811.png (20444 B, marge.png)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size. ![]() marge |
self-bumo i suppose
yup I am back bros
>> | Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)08:50 No.24971 Shut up, bitch. |
>> | polishkid#DLjZAYaKDg 23/08/23(Wed)08:55 No.24974 >>24971 |
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