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File: 1692666513033.png (344175 B, 4398 - badge clothes crazed glasses hair mustache nate open_mouth soot_colors soyjak soyjak_party stubble text tshirt variant feraljak yellow_hair.png)ImgOps
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344175 B Name soyjak 23/08/22(Tue)10:08 No. 24344  
>We sold our homesteads and started on our way
>Just like the birds will fly when autumn is here to stay.
>One day they will return, come spring again that's when.
>But we will never see our native country again.
>At first we traveled through the English countryside
>On tracks and on wagons as quickly as birds would fly.
>It was a lovely sight to see the land at last
>But all the glorious sights kept flashing by too fast.
>And later when we came to Liverpuddlian Bay
>The tears of regret finally started to have their say.
>The hearts then started burning in each and everyone
>We only talked of Sweden that used to be our home.
>We all were packed together in one unhealthy cave
>It was as if we'd stepped into an open grave.
>The food that we had brought from blessed Swedish land
>Was suddenly forbidden and taken from our hand.
>And when we had been sailing for just a week or two
>A horrid kind of darkness was clouding our view.
>We couldn't see each other and hardly breathe or walk
>It was a gruesome anguish for all people aboard.
>The air was filled with hunger and drenched in wretched cries,
>The howling and the noises would pierce right through the skies
>And death became the ruler that forces us to our knees.
>The dead were buried in the horrid fathom of the seas.
>> Anonymous 23/08/22(Tue)12:51 No.24399  
File: 1692676285389.jpg (50493 B, cobsonconfused.jpeg)ImgOps Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
50493 B
>File: 1692666513033.png (344175 B, 4398 - badge clothes crazed glasses hair mustache nate open_mouth soot_colors soyjak soyjak_party stubble text tshirt variant feraljak yellow_hair.png)ImgOps
>Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

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