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279602 B One Lone Soyteen Name Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)03:42 No. 24777  
listen soyteens
to a story
that was posted long ago
bout some ferals on a mountain
and the valley cobs below
on the mountain was a gemerald
buried deep beneath the coal
and the valley cobsons swore they'd have it for their very own
go ahead and dox a soyteen, go ahead and raid a thread
do it in the name of your army, you can steal a GET in the end
there won't be any gemmy posting, come the judgement day
on the coally catty after
one lone soyteen fails a raid
so the cobsons in the valley
posted a thread on /hill/
asking for the hidden gemerald
tons of gems for which they'd kill
came a reply from the 'ountain
with our chudbuds we will share
all the gemeralds of the mountain
all the swedeWINS buried there
go ahead and dox a soyteen, go ahead and raid a thread
do it in the name of your army, you can steal a GET in the end
there won't be any gemmy posting, come the judgement day
on the coally catty after
one lone soyteen fails a raid
Now the cobsons cried with anger
"quote with nojak! spam child gore!"
and they killed the mountain ferals
so they won their gemmy reward
now they stood on top the gemerald
beneath the brimstone, dark and red
turned the 'stone and looked beneath it
HWABAG was all it said
go ahead and dox a soyteen, go ahead and raid a thread
do it in the name of your army, you can steal a GET in the end
there won't be any gemmy posting, come the judgement day
on the coally catty after
one lone soyteen fails a raid
>> Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)03:44 No.24778  
now make this into a spine tingling, bone chilling, A24 made slowburn horror movie (somehow idk)

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